Email Alert Templates
Define custom email templates for email alerts
Creating an email template within the DigitalStakeout Scout platform is an essential feature for automating communication based on specific data criteria. It allows users to define custom email templates for alerts and notifications.
Template Configuration:
Name: Specify a unique name for the email template.
Description: Provide a brief description of the template's purpose or content.
Assign to Rules: Link the template to specific workflow automation rules for automatic application.
Recipient Configuration:
To: Define the primary recipients of the email.
Add Cc: Specify additional recipients to be included as Carbon Copy.
Add Bcc: Specify additional recipients to be included as Blind Carbon Copy.
From: Indicate the sender's email address.
Email Content Configuration:
Subject: Define the subject line of the email.
Header Content: Specify the content to appear at the top of the email body.
Body Content: Compose the main content of the email. Users can include field tokens to dynamically insert specific data points or information from Scout.
Footer Content: Specify the content to appear at the bottom of the email body.
Field Tokens:
Field tokens are placeholders that can be added to the email content. When an email is sent, these tokens are replaced with actual data from Scout. Users can include tokens for various data points such as URL, Title, Date, Content, Score, Tags, Keywords, Entities, Geo Distance, and much more, providing a high level of customization and relevance to the email content.
Updated 26 days ago