Comprehensive Out-of-the-Box Analytics Widgets

DigitalStakeout Scout comes equipped with a powerful array of pre-configured analytic widgets, designed to streamline your intelligence gathering and risk assessment processes.

These out-of-the-box widgets cover a wide spectrum of analytical needs, from sentiment analysis and cyber intelligence to geographical insights and case management. With Scout, you can rapidly deploy sophisticated dashboards without the need for extensive customization or development.

Our extensive widget library enables you to:

  1. Quickly visualize complex data sets
  2. Identify trends and patterns at a glance
  3. Monitor real-time alerts and emerging threats
  4. Analyze information across multiple dimensions
  5. Customize views to suit your specific intelligence needs

Whether you're conducting threat assessments, monitoring brand sentiment, or managing cybersecurity risks, DigitalStakeout Scout's widget ecosystem provides the tools you need to make informed decisions swiftly. The following comprehensive guide details each widget category and its components, illustrating the depth and breadth of analytical capabilities at your fingertips. With these ready-to-use widgets, you can transform raw data into actionable intelligence dashboards in minutes, enhancing your organization's situational awareness and response capabilities.

Analytic Widgets in DigitalStakeout Scout

1. Sentiment and Content Analysis

1.1. Sentiment Analysis

  • NLP - Sentiment Area Chart: Visualizes sentiment trends over time, helping identify periods of positive, neutral, or negative public perception.
  • NLP - Sentiment Pie Chart: Provides a proportional breakdown of sentiment across monitored data for quick assessment of overall sentiment bias.

1.2. Content Trends

  • NLP - Trending Terms Cloud: Visualizes frequently appearing terms, with size reflecting occurrence rate, to spot emerging topics.
  • Base - Mention Rate Column Chart: Displays frequency of mentions for selected keywords or topics over time to track popularity or relevance.

1.3. Social Media Analysis

  • Social - Hashtag Cloud: Presents commonly used hashtags with size indicating frequency to identify trending topics across social platforms.
  • Social - Mention Cloud: Aggregates popular mentions, emphasizing frequently occurring terms to identify most talked-about subjects.
  • Social - Top Mention Bar Chart: Quantifies and ranks top mentions for focused analysis of prevalent discussions.

2. Data Source and Distribution

2.1. Source Analysis

  • Base - Data Source Pie Chart: Breaks down collected data by source to show where information predominantly comes from.
  • Base - Unique Sources of Events Panel: Lists distinct sources of collected events to highlight diversity or concentration of information channels.
  • Base - Unique Sources Rate Chart: Tracks the rate of unique information sources contributing to the data pool over time.

2.2. Domain Analysis

  • Unique Domain Sources: Lists distinct domains from which data has been collected to show the breadth of data collection.
  • Top Sources Bar: Ranks data sources by frequency to highlight the most utilized sources in data collection.
  • Top Sources Word Cloud: Aggregates data sources based on frequency, with size indicating mention rate for quick identification of prominent sources.
  • Top Sources Alert Bar: Ranks sources by number of generated alerts to focus on those most relevant to current concerns.
  • Top Sources Alert Cloud: Visualizes data sources by alert frequency, with size reflecting contribution to alerts, to identify critical sources.

3. Risk and Threat Assessment

3.1. General Risk Analysis

  • Risk - Top 10 Detected Threats: Lists most frequently identified threats, prioritized by occurrence, to focus security efforts.
  • Risk - Global Threat Heat Map: Visualizes geographic distribution of detected threats to prioritize regions for analysis or intervention.

3.2. Event Severity

  • Event Severity Pie Chart: Breaks down events by severity level to understand the overall threat landscape.
  • Workflow - Events By Severity Pie: Categorizes events based on severity to provide a quick visual breakdown of threat levels.

3.3. Reputation Analysis

  • Domain Reputation Bar: Ranks domains by reputation scores to identify potentially malicious or trustworthy domains.
  • Domain Reputation Cloud: Aggregates domains based on reputation, using size to denote trustworthiness for quick risk assessment.
  • Domain Reputation Alert Bar: Highlights domains that have triggered alerts, ranked by frequency, to identify potential security risks.
  • Domain Reputation Alert Cloud: Visualizes domains based on alert frequency to identify potentially harmful domains requiring attention.

4. Workflow and Alert Management

4.1. Alert Analysis

  • Workflow - Alerts Over Time Column Chart: Tracks alert volume over time to identify periods of high alert activity.
  • Workflow - Rule Hit Counts Bar Chart: Quantifies trigger frequency of monitoring rules to indicate prevalent trends or threats.

4.2. User Tagging

  • Workflow - User Tag Pivot Table: Categorizes data using user-defined tags for a customized view of relevant information.
  • Workflow - User Tags Alerting Pie: Displays distribution of alerts across user-defined tags to show primary triggering topics.
  • Workflow - Top User Defined Tags Bar Chart: Shows frequency of custom tags to reveal prevalent themes or concerns.
  • Workflow - User Defined Tag Cloud: Visualizes custom tags with size indicating frequency for a personalized data view.

4.3. System Tagging

  • Workflow - SysTag Pivot Table: Organizes data based on system-generated tags for structured analysis and efficient theme identification.

4.4. Actor Analysis

  • Workflow - Actor Source of Alerts Pie: Charts proportion of alerts by different actors to identify most active or influential sources.

5. Geographic and Location Intelligence

5.1. Global Analysis

  • Meta Data - Global Mention Heat Map: Displays global distribution of mentions for selected topics to identify high-activity regions.

5.2. Location Breakdown

  • Meta Data - Location Pivot Table: Sorts data by geographical locations to show where incidents or discussions are concentrated.
  • Locations - Top Cities Bar/Cloud: Ranks cities by mention volume to identify urban centers of focus (bar) or visually emphasize high-activity cities (cloud).
  • Locations - Top Countries Bar/Cloud: Displays countries ranked by data volume (bar) or visualizes frequently mentioned countries (cloud).
  • Locations - Top Locations Bar/Cloud: Ranks specific locations by data volume (bar) or visually represents key locations based on mentions (cloud).

5.3. Location Alerts

  • Locations - Top Locations Alert Cloud/Bar Chart: Highlights locations generating significant alerts (cloud) or ranks locations by alert numbers (bar).
  • Locations - Top Countries Alert Cloud/Bar Chart: Visualizes countries with high alert frequencies (cloud) or ranks countries by alert volume (bar).
  • Locations - Top Cities Alert Cloud/Bar Chart: Aggregates cities based on alert frequencies (cloud) or quantifies and ranks city alerts (bar).

6. Cyber Intelligence

6.1. Network Analysis

  • Cyber - Top Domains Cloud/Bar: Visualizes (cloud) or ranks (bar) most frequently mentioned domains in the data.
  • Cyber - Top IP Addresses Cloud/Bar Chart: Visualizes (cloud) or ranks (bar) most frequently mentioned IP addresses.
  • Cyber - Top ASN Cloud/Bar Chart: Displays (cloud) or ranks (bar) Autonomous System Numbers associated with the data.
  • Cyber - Top CIDR Cloud/Bar Chart: Presents (cloud) or ranks (bar) most common CIDR blocks in the data.
  • Cyber - Top ISP Cloud/Bar Chart: Aggregates (cloud) or ranks (bar) most frequently mentioned Internet Service Providers.
  • Cyber - Top Network Cloud/Bar Chart: Illustrates (cloud) or ranks (bar) most mentioned networks within the data.

6.2. Cyber Alerts

  • Cyber - Top Alerting Network Bar Chart: Identifies networks triggering the most alerts to prioritize for investigation.
  • Cyber - Top Alerting ISP Bar Chart: Ranks ISPs by associated alerts to signal frequent threat vectors or targets.
  • Cyber - Top Alerting IP Address Bar Chart: Displays IP addresses by generated alerts to pinpoint recurring suspicious activities.
  • Cyber - Top Alerting CIDR Bar Chart: Ranks CIDR blocks by associated alerts to identify frequently targeted network ranges.
  • Cyber - Top Alerting ASN Bar Chart: Lists ASNs by alert frequency to identify potentially compromised networks.
  • Cyber - Top Alerting Domain Bar: Highlights domains generating the most alerts to guide further investigation.

6.3. Vulnerability Analysis

  • Cyber - Top CVEs Cloud/Bar: Visualizes (cloud) or ranks (bar) most frequently mentioned Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures.
  • Cyber - Top Alerted CVEs Bar/Cloud: Displays (bar) or aggregates (cloud) CVEs by generated alerts to highlight current security concerns.

6.4. Port and Protocol Analysis

  • Cyber - Top Open Ports Bar/Cloud: Ranks (bar) or visualizes (cloud) most commonly observed open ports.
  • Cyber - Top Open Ports Bar Alert/Alert Cloud: Ranks (bar) or highlights (cloud) open ports by associated alerts.
  • Cyber - Top Protocols Bar/Cloud: Charts (bar) or visualizes (cloud) most commonly used network protocols.
  • Cyber - Top Protocols Alerts Bar/Alert Cloud: Ranks (bar) or emphasizes (cloud) protocols by related security alerts.

7. Content and Visual Analysis

7.1. Image Analysis

  • Visuals - Image Cloud Panel: Aggregates and displays images from collected data to reveal prevalent visual themes.

7.2. Recent Content

  • Content - Last Posts: Displays most recent posts from monitored sources for real-time insights.
  • Content - Last Alerts: Shows most recent system-generated alerts for immediate threat awareness.

8. Case Management

8.1. Case Categorization

  • Cases - Cases by Category: Organizes cases into categories to understand types of issues being reported.
  • Cases - Cases by Context: Ranks user-defined contexts for cases to reveal prevalent situational factors.
  • Cases - Cases by Class & Severity: Breaks down cases by class and severity for prioritized response.

8.2. Case Severity

  • Cases - Cases by Severity: Categorizes cases based on severity level to assess the current threat landscape.

8.3. Asset Analysis

  • Cases - Cases by Asset & Severity: Ranks assets based on associated case severity to highlight critical at-risk assets.

9. Operational Intelligence

9.1. Monitor Analysis

  • Base - Top Monitors by Volume Bar: Displays monitoring channels ranked by data volume to identify key information sources.
  • Base - Monitor Setup by Type Bar: Categorizes monitoring setups by type to illustrate intelligence collection diversity.
  • Base - Active vs Disable Monitor Bar: Compares count of active monitoring channels against disabled ones for operational readiness assessment.
  • Workflow - Top Monitors Alerts Bar: Showcases monitoring channels producing the highest number of alerts to identify critical security focal points.

9.2. Folder Analysis

  • Base - Top Folders By Volume Bar: Ranks folders by content volume to show data distribution within the system.
  • Workflow - Top Folder Alert Bar: Visualizes folders based on triggered alerts to highlight areas of critical information concentration.

10. Discovery and Categorization

10.1. General Discovery

  • Discovery Grid: Displays automatically categorized data into risk and exposure categories for efficient decision-making.

10.2. Domain-Specific Discovery

  • Operational/Cyber/Reputation/etc. Discovery Grid: Displays automatically categorized data for specific domains (e.g., operational, cyber, reputation) to focus on domain-specific risks and exposures.

10.3. To-Do Grids

  • Operational/Cyber/Reputation/etc. To Do Grid: Displays domain-specific to-dos based on risk and exposure categories for prioritized action.

10.4. Reviewed Grids

  • Operational/Cyber/Reputation/etc. Reviewed Grid: Shows reviewed to-dos for specific domains to track progress and maintain oversight.

11. Trend Analysis

11.1. Tag Trends

  • Tag Categories Over Time: Displays summary tagged data over time to spot trends or potential risks across all categories.

11.2. Domain-Specific Tag Trends

  • Operational/Cyber/Reputation/etc. Tags Over Time: Shows summary tagged data over time for specific domains to identify domain-specific trends or risks.

12. Risk Drivers

12.1. Domain-Based Risk

  • Risk Drivers by Domain: Identifies top domains driving risk and exposure tags to guide mitigation efforts.

12.2. Geographic Risk

  • Risk Drivers by Country: Highlights top countries driving risk and exposure tags for geographically focused risk management.

12.3. Reputation-Based Risk

  • Risk Drivers by Domain Reputation: Shows domain reputation rankings driving risk and exposure tags to identify high-risk websites.

12.4. User-Defined Risk

  • Risk Drivers by User Tags: Displays user-defined tags driving risk and exposure for personalized risk assessment.

12.5. Provider-Based Risk

  • Risk Drivers by Provider: Identifies top feed sources driving risk and exposure tags to evaluate source reliability and risk contribution.

13. Miscellaneous Analytics

13.1. Incident Management

  • Incident Mgt Status: Provides an overview of current incident statuses for operational oversight.

13.2. Economic Impact

  • Economic Impact: Visualizes the economic impact of using automated tag finding, showing hours saved and cost savings.

13.3. Domains to Block

  • Domains to Block: Displays recent domains observed in events tagged for recommended blocking to enhance network security.