Data for Cyber Security, Brand Protection and Web Intelligence

Search and investigate continuously updated domain and IP intelligence from DigitalStakeout ASI containing over 3 billion continuously maintained data points.

This API requires a subscription of DigitalStakeout ASI. API queries are metered according to your plan query quota.


A private token controls authentication. Generate a token in the Developers section in the DigitalStakeout ASI application. The token is a one-time display token. Keep this token private.

Token Security

You should not disclose tokens publicly in any application. This will prevent abuse and protect your account from usage charges. Exposing an API token publicly is a violation of our terms of service.

Usage & Query History

We record token usage and enforce plan limits in real-time. To see your plan usage, log in to the DigitalStakeout ASI application, go to Account -> Plan Usage, and you will see your query history.

Result Limits

If an endpoint has the start and limit parameter, it means the request supports result limits. The resulting limit is the number of records that return in a query. Each plan supports a larger limit to support the volume of data allowed and consumed.


You will have to paginate to consume a large result from a query. If an endpoint has the start and limit parameter, it means the endpoint supports pagination. Each query that supports pagination will have a result total. To scroll through all the results, increment your start parameter. For example, if the resulting total is 100, the limit is 10. Your first query would be start=0 and limit=10. To get all 100 results, you would increment the start parameter by one and get ten results to consume 100 results.

Commercial Use

Commercial use of the DigitalStakeout ASI API requires a specific plan that licenses commercial usage.

Your use of the DigitalStakeout ASI API will be considered non-commercial as long as you are not using your DigitalStakeout ASI API access as a business, or as part of a product or service that’s used to make money. In addition to the above requirements to be eligible for Academic Research access, this access may only be used for non-commercial purposes.

Your use of the DigitalStakeout ASI API will be considered commercial if you’re a business, using it on behalf of a business, or as part of a product or service that you’re monetizing.

Your plan will explicitly state whether commercial use is allowed in the plan. Unless it is stated in your subscription, you may only use the DigitalStakeout ASI API for non-commercial purposes.